Allen Outdoor Solutions Snow Removal

February 16, 2015

Allen Outdoor Solutions Snow Removal

The workload that snow can bring is not always welcomed. Storms that bring a good amount of snow mean that someone has to go out to clean the walk ways and clear the driveway. This can be a very labor intensive job and should be done safely and effectively. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done.

  1. Snow Blower: If you are not interested in the labor involved in shoveling or have a larger driveway, purchasing a snow blower may be the best option for snow removal. This can help you get the job done faster and more efficiently with less risk of injury.
  2. Shoveling: This is the easiest way to keep walkways and smaller driveways clear of snow. The trick is to shovel frequently and have a good ergonomic shovel. Shoveling frequently helps keep the amount you are lifting lower. Having a good shovel helps you to lift the snow without injury.
  3. De-Icer: Using de-icer before a storm and after you are done shoveling can really make a difference. Liquid Magnesium chloride is a great way to melt snow and keep ice from appearing. You can also use rock salt to help melt away snow and ice. After the ice has melted away a little you can also add sand to help make the area easier to grip.

Now if those options seem like too much work, don’t worry! At Allen Outdoor Solutions, we have a helpful team ready to clear away the snow. We can assist you with clearing pathways and your driveway. Don’t let the next snow storm catch you off guard. Plan ahead and keep the snow cleared away.