Lawn funguses are no joke.
Lawn fungus like powdery mildew and red thread not only look ugly, they can destroy your grass for good.
And once they’re done with your grass, it can move onto your plants, wreaking havoc all over your beautiful garden.
Even worse…
Fungus can easily spread from yard to yard. Walking in grass disturbs the spores, which float through the air.
If you don’t see the signs of fungus in your backyard now, you might soon.

Here’s why:
The St. Louis area has had more rain than usual this year, and funguses thrive in damp environments.
Combine that rain with our region’s increasing humidity as summer nears, and you have the ideal home for fungus to grow.
We expect this fungus problem to continue through 2019 and beyond.S
The best way to fight fungus is to prevent it in the first place.
That’s because many lawn funguses don’t often respond to curative measures. But Allen’s Head of Landscaping Design, Denis, says that three applications of our specialized broad-spectrum fungicide will do wonders for preventing fungus in your yard. Call us today so we can schedule your fungicide application as soon as possible!

More Fungus-Fighting Tips from Denis:
1.Keep your lawnmower blades sharp.
The blunter the blades, the more surface area the fungus spores have to cling onto!Did you know that Allen Outdoor Solutions professionally sharpen our blades on a weekly basis?
2. Don’t skip mowing a week.
Waiting longer can put your lawn in distress, leaving it vulnerable to grass fungus.Call Allen today to schedule regular professional mowing services.
3. Start planning for the rest of the year.
This upcoming month is the perfect time to implement preventative measures for autumn.Don’t have a fall maintenance plan? The experts at Allen can show you exactly what you need (and we’ll even do it for you!)
4. Feed your plants before the heat arrives!
We recommend an all-organic fertilizer. Non-organic fertilizers combined with the St. Louis sun can destroy plants.Overwhelmed by plant care options? Get in touch to have Allen’s plant pros take care of it.
Remember, our estimates are always free!
You spent time and money on creating a beautiful lawn.
Why not take the extra steps to maintain it?
Call us to get a free estimate today!