Tag Archives: lawn care and maintenance

March 15, 2022

There’s always that one neighbor with the perfectly manicured, perfectly green yard. You have to admire it and be jealous of it at the same time. Or do you? Rather than envy your neighbor’s lush green grass that looks like a carpet, you can do something about your own yard to transform it. Mulching and […]

October 19, 2021

Have you been doing the same old lawn care routine every year without seeing any results? You’ve been watering well, mowing regularly, maybe even seeding in the spring, but your lawn isn’t getting any thicker or greener? If you’re looking for another lawn care tactic to take your lackluster lawn to the next level, consider […]

April 09, 2020

Our St. Louis Landscaping Company’s Top 10 Tips to Make Your Lawn Lush and Green This Spring One of the joys of spring is watching a lawn that looked utterly lifeless all winter suddenly turn a tender green that grows lusher and more inviting as the weather warms. What sort of lawn maintenance is required […]

February 18, 2019

Spring is in the air! Well, almost. While we still have several weeks until the official start of spring, it’s never to early to  be prepared. Although spring lawn care is much less intense than fall lawn care, it is just as—if not more—important. Correct care and maintenance in the spring will ensure that your […]