Tag Archives: spring landscaping

April 14, 2021

Spring has sprung, and that means getting outside and gardening. Whether you want to go it alone or you want to enlist the services of a St. Louis landscaping company, there’s sure to be something in your yard you’d like to fix up this spring.  Maybe the grass is literally greener on the other side […]

March 10, 2021

As the weather warms up, the flowers start to bloom, and birds start to sing again, many minds turn to spending longer evenings outdoors. With that in mind, you probably look out at your yard and only see the things that need to be done — trees that need to be trimmed, flower beds that […]

September 05, 2016

As the sweltering heat of summer subsides to the pleasantly cool evenings of fall, home owners everywhere breathe a sigh of relief. No more constant weeding, fertilizing, pruning, digging, mowing, and watering to keep the lawn looking fresh and clean. The End of Lawn Care But wait! Don’t give in to the beauty of fall […]

April 20, 2016

Spring is a time of rebirth and cleansing. Flowers are blooming. Birds are chirping. All of this new life may have you realizing that your landscaping just isn’t inspiring you anymore. Here are some ideas to help you breathe new life into your landscaping. 1. Add a focal point Adding a focal point to your […]

March 15, 2016

It’s time to shake off the winter blues and get ready for spring! Spring cleaning means going through closets and drawers and cleaning out any clothes you haven’t worn in awhile, or any other random knick-knacks you’ve accrued through the years. It also means cleaning up your landscaping. 1. Make a plan After the long, […]

March 09, 2015

Spring is the most important time for lawn care. Spring lawn care sets the foundation for the entire season, neglecting your lawn now can mean many troubles ahead. Many home owners struggle year after year to get the lush green lawn they dream of. This is where the experts at Allen Outdoor Solutions come in. […]