Tag Archives: allen outdoor solutions

October 01, 2021

It’s important not to let what might seem like a small problem grow into a big one. For example, if you notice that your garden or patio is collecting water because of poor drainage, it might not be the right time to renovate your landscaping, as it may be less expensive to repair than rebuild. […]

May 11, 2021

So, you’re looking toward summer, and your lawn is just not where you want it to be. You’ve tended it carefully, but there are still patches that don’t look as nice as you’d like. Or, maybe you had some major renovations done, and there are bare spots around your yard you need to fill in. […]

March 10, 2021

As the weather warms up, the flowers start to bloom, and birds start to sing again, many minds turn to spending longer evenings outdoors. With that in mind, you probably look out at your yard and only see the things that need to be done — trees that need to be trimmed, flower beds that […]

February 18, 2019

Spring is in the air! Well, almost. While we still have several weeks until the official start of spring, it’s never to early to  be prepared. Although spring lawn care is much less intense than fall lawn care, it is just as—if not more—important. Correct care and maintenance in the spring will ensure that your […]

September 05, 2016

As the sweltering heat of summer subsides to the pleasantly cool evenings of fall, home owners everywhere breathe a sigh of relief. No more constant weeding, fertilizing, pruning, digging, mowing, and watering to keep the lawn looking fresh and clean. The End of Lawn Care But wait! Don’t give in to the beauty of fall […]

July 18, 2016

Landscaping your dream yard doesn’t have to be as stressful or time consuming as you think. If you have an idea of what you want your yard to look like, you only need a few sheets of graph paper to start sketching out your dream. How to Choose a Landscape There are several different ways […]

July 12, 2016

When living in the Midwest, you could need to wear a sweatshirt one day and a tank top the next. Although it’s rare to experience unrelenting, miserably suffocating heat all summer long, it is normal to have several weeks of scorching heat in between rainstorms. Unfortunately, those few scorching weeks may be long enough to […]

July 06, 2016

With all the recent rain, your yard may be looking a little soggy and sad. If your house and lawn sits on a lower elevation than surrounding houses, you may have various puddles of water pooling in your yard. The Downsides to Water Puddles Besides being an eyesore, pooling water kills grass, inhibits mowing, and […]

June 21, 2016

Adding mulch to your landscape is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for your yard. If you properly mulch your yard, you can protect the trees and plant life from harsh elements. There are many different types of mulch, which gives you the ability to choose a kind that will compliment […]

June 13, 2016

Watering your lawn may seem like a time consuming and unnecessary task. In some cases, watering your lawn may exceed the city or county water restrictions; in which case, you should look into other lawn fertilizers – like turf. Typically, cities and communities only restrict water usage in times of drought, making it possible for […]