Rain Gardens

October 12, 2012

Rain Gardens

Over the past few years St. Louis has had long, dry, and hot summers. These summers have not been good for plant material. During the spring and the winter we receive plenty of rain fall. A lot of this rain fall ends up in the big rivers and is lost.

Nowadays, we are able to use the seasonal rains to our advantage by constructing rain water harvesting systems.

In the past, some people thought negatively of these systems because of how ‘tacky’ they could look. Since then, there have been advances in the construction of rain gardens that can make the areas where the harvesting barrels/containers are look like a landscaped area. The rain from these harvesting operations can then be used to water plants and grass throughout the summer. Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia uses a rain water harvesting system from the bleachers of the football stadium to be able to water the turf on the football field during their dry summers. There are other options for rain harvesting and erosion control, like French Drains that direct water to planting areas on the property. Call our office for more information. (314) 647-4800