Tag Archives: landscaping tips

April 14, 2021

Spring has sprung, and that means getting outside and gardening. Whether you want to go it alone or you want to enlist the services of a St. Louis landscaping company, there’s sure to be something in your yard you’d like to fix up this spring.  Maybe the grass is literally greener on the other side […]

March 10, 2021

As the weather warms up, the flowers start to bloom, and birds start to sing again, many minds turn to spending longer evenings outdoors. With that in mind, you probably look out at your yard and only see the things that need to be done — trees that need to be trimmed, flower beds that […]

December 09, 2020
  • Landscaping
  • Comments Off on Outdoor Landscaping Experts Break Down the 10 Most Important Landscape Design Projects

According to outdoor landscaping experts, a well-maintained landscape design is beneficial for many reasons, not the least of which is the first impression of a home that it almost single-handedly controls. Something as simple as an unmowed yard can make a home appear messy or neglected, even if every other part of the landscape is […]

October 06, 2020
  • Landscaping
  • Comments Off on Why Fall is the Most Ideal Time of Year to Begin Landscaping Projects in St. Louis

Are you ready to work on your landscaping project? For St. Louis residents, we have proof that fall is the most optimal time to begin your landscaping St. Louis projects because it saves you time and money. Many people do not consider fall a landscaping season, but it might just be the best time to […]

June 21, 2016

Adding mulch to your landscape is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for your yard. If you properly mulch your yard, you can protect the trees and plant life from harsh elements. There are many different types of mulch, which gives you the ability to choose a kind that will compliment […]

March 15, 2016

It’s time to shake off the winter blues and get ready for spring! Spring cleaning means going through closets and drawers and cleaning out any clothes you haven’t worn in awhile, or any other random knick-knacks you’ve accrued through the years. It also means cleaning up your landscaping. 1. Make a plan After the long, […]

July 13, 2015

At Allen Outdoor Solutions we understand that Summer can bring very little rain and your landscape can start showing signs of drought. So today we wanted to share a few tips that will help keep your yard looking green with minimal work. Summer Landscape Tips Avoid light, frequent watering, this type of watering encourages shallow […]

October 12, 2012

Over the past few years St. Louis has had long, dry, and hot summers. These summers have not been good for plant material. During the spring and the winter we receive plenty of rain fall. A lot of this rain fall ends up in the big rivers and is lost. Nowadays, we are able to […]

October 08, 2012

As the summer turns to fall, we become more aware of the wildlife that lives amongst us. The squirrels are harvesting nuts, the geese are starting to fly south, and the deer begin migrating. Not only are the deer a problem for vehicles, they can cause havoc within a landscaped yard. Male deer removing the […]

October 05, 2012

For many years, professional golf course greens keepers have known that the secret to beautiful, dense turf is Fall Core Aeration & Over Seeding. What is Core Aeration & Over Seeding? Core aeration is the process of making thousands of small holes in your lawn. These holes reduce thatch and break up soil compaction. This […]