Tag Archives: weather

January 19, 2022

How often have you needed your driveway plowed but didn’t know where to go? Or maybe you thought you knew who to call, but they ended up disappointing you in one way or another?  The winter months are harsh on the roads and sidewalks of St. Louis, Missouri, primarily when it snows and covers them […]

September 05, 2016

As the sweltering heat of summer subsides to the pleasantly cool evenings of fall, home owners everywhere breathe a sigh of relief. No more constant weeding, fertilizing, pruning, digging, mowing, and watering to keep the lawn looking fresh and clean. The End of Lawn Care But wait! Don’t give in to the beauty of fall […]

October 03, 2012

The transition of summer to fall brings many changes to the landscape around us; trees change color and lose their leaves, flowers wither, and crops are harvested. Highlight the positive aspects of this change by accentuating the fall theme. We can provide seasonal decorations to make this happen. One option would be thoughtfully placed hay […]

October 03, 2012

The summer was particularly harsh but we are finally starting to see some relief. The change in weather and the upcoming rains are going to help a lot of the plant material to bounce back. Unfortunately, there are some plants that have been hit pretty hard by the drought; these include a good portion of […]